about aesclepion
In ancient Greece there were Aesclepion Healing Temples, where people gathered to heal. A sanctuary where people could heal themselves. They also believed that people could heal themselves in their dreams. The god Aesckepius founded the sites - The Aesclepion Healing sites were in Greece and Turkey.
One of the secrets to healing is finding your amusement. Seeking entrance to the temple were lines of people, and as they waited, healers in the form of jugglers, storytellers, musicians, jesters interacted with them. If the people waiting in line could not bring their energy to "amusement" (or laugh play) they would turn them away and have them come back another time. The ancient sites recognized the relationship in healing as the ability to change one's energy - to come out of seriousness into a higher vibration - amusement.
The Aesclepion Healing Center was established in 1985 as a sanctuary for spiritual healing. There is no ideology, no isms, no belief system to follow. In each of the classes offered, simple visualization techniques are taught for each person to make their own and use as they would like in their daily life, meditation and healing practice. The art of visualizing and imagining is you acting spiritually. Imagination is evidence of your divine nature. Spirit grows through validation and play.
Are you ready to find some amusement with yourself, change, find your answers within?
Welcome to the sanctuary of spiritual healing - The Spirit Body connection is the premise - You are designed for success.